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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello good people.

Just like how my fighting fish, hamsters and rabbit all died many years ago due to profound disinterest and negligence on my part, so too have most of my cozy friendships. In a weak effort to restore (possibly even reconstruct) the bridges that carelessness has eroded and time has worn, I spent my entire evening drawing graffiti on people's walls on Facebook. Hopefully after this I will have everyone that I care about back in my life- if not real, at least virtual.

Anyway, as someone possessing a naturally paranoid disposition, compounded by social factors that make it appear not only possible but also probable that other (cunning, evil, and fat) girls are trying to steal Shaun away from me, I can't help but think that other (cunning, evil, and fat) girls are trying to steal Shaun away from me. Hiiiii- ya!!! (Karate chop.)

Asked more to myself rather than to elicit any real answer, can and should they be blamed when Shaun, with his vintage leather bag slung over his ectomorphic body and witty words, is suave, charming and irresistible? (Heh, I'm so lucky!)

I have to go now, bye! Depending on my memory's limitations and imagination's nudgings, I may or may not write more on this. Take care!!