Long before we were obsessed or even slightly interested with the kinds of food (organic/GM/free range) we were putting into our bodies, before the statistics were 11 out of 10 people dying from chronic illnesses linked to obesity, or before it became fashionable to eat more of certain foods (brown rice, salmon, olive oil), my family was indoctrinated by our mother to adopt a diet that corresponded with our blood type.
As you are aware, the society in which we live in today favours unhealthy eating habits and behaviours while simultaneously glamourizing the Big Mac with the help of the media. My family (a mix of blood type A and O) is often victimized by other families (of curmudgeons) who show us no mercy at Christmas, weddings, and birthdays- where our habits of consuming enough fish and vegetables for a village whilst carefully avoiding the dishes laced with wheat, pork, or dairy, are exposed and then ridiculed.
Being a staunch follower of this dogma since a young age, I've become widely known for my absenteeism at social events arranged in fast food outlets, and more recently known for bringing food (unpolished rice and vegetables) prepared by my mother to eat in such places. In the eyes of many (unhealthy) people, I'm seen as gossip fodder. Hopefully, I do not suffer a heart attack before they do (or at all), otherwise I kind of wouldn't have anything to substantiate my efforts of forestalling diseases with a good diet. And this would obviously make me really pissed. Possibly even dead. (Either- or, because if I'm dead, then I can't be pissed. Vice versa.)
Anyway, even though I know giving up the whole concept of dessert would make the next 40 days more meaningful and super miserable (which I think is the purpose of Lent), but because I don't want to set my expectations too high or be overambitious, I have decided on chocolate to be my Lenten sacrifice this year. Unknowingly, I finished 2 Mars bars at 9:07 AM- I know this because I was hoping to get a text message from Shaun so I was checking my phone a lot- only to find out that they weren't pieces of broccoli at 9:15 AM. (Oops!)