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Sunday, November 22, 2009

I just found a piece of chocolate in my hair. And I ate it. (I was eating chocolates this morning.) Anyway, my feelings have been unfettered by thoughts of the future and oblivious to the past lately. I feel like I could float to wherever you are if I wanted to. (So light.) (So cool.)

Went by the grocer's after breakfast to pick up some chocolates and muesli bars that will hopefully see us through the next 4 days. I've a strong feeling we're going to finish everything within the first 6 hours. (Charlotte and Natasha la, eat so much!!!!! Sigh.)

I leave on the 9 o'clock ferry tomorrow morning. (I hope I don't get seasick.) I haven't quite felt like this before, so I'm packing one of Edward's t- shirts. (It smells like him.) (Shaun thinks he's Edward Cullen now.) (Some of his recent text messages: "Twilight at 9 on starworld. ZOMG", "Shit I love twilight", "He can read minds leh")
