I went to the bookstore in town yesterday and almost passed out. I love books. Too bad I haven't learnt how to appreciate writings of different genres. (My loss.) Most days I'm reading literature that is borderline trash. Nonetheless, I still frequently stumble upon opinions, feelings, perspectives, and visions, which I'd initially imagine were unique and particular to myself in my readings. It's an incredible feeling, to feel and think the same emotions and thoughts as someone else. (As though a hand has come out, and taken yours.) Especially when it's someone whom you've never met (and probably never will), and tenfold when it's someone who's been six feet under for forever.
Ok, enough. It's not like your mom is making any contributions to my New Sneakers Fund if I tell you to read more books. (UK size 4. Just saying.) But seriously, nobody wants to be stupid. Read more. (Just looking out for you.)
Anyway. I went to the bookstore in town yesterday and almost passed out. But I didn't, obviously. (Obviously what?) I'm anemic, and I hadn't eaten meat since Wednesday. I don't take iron pills. And you know how my heart beats a lot faster when I'm excited. (Sushi, catching the clock at 11:11, fire engines, Shaun, cakes, chocolate, other food, watching someone use a hand drill, shiny things, etc.)
I never perform under pressure and don't deal well with deadlines. (I hand in my assignments at least 2 weeks late, or not at all.) (I'm kinda really good at procrastinating.) My neck gets itchy when I sweat, and my face turns red after a run. (I seek refuge in the toilet during PE classes.) I'm allergic to seawater. (Those along our coasts.) I vomit through my nose when I drink too much alcohol. (And then cry cause I'd be so freaked out and dizzy.) I break out in cold sweat each time I jaywalk. (I jaywalk daily.) I get light headed if I stare at the blinking lights on a Christmas tree for too long. (I'm still going to do it this Christmas. I'm curious to find out the exact duration before I need to look away.)
I'm constantly being misjudged and labeled as "lazy" or "megaslacker", but I learnt to take that in my stride when I was only 8 years old. I was born with a physique that is more inclined to lounging and meditation. (Low- impact exercise and low- intensity activities.) By right and logic, I should have passed out in that bookstore yesterday. THAT many shelves of new books and the act of sneaking a Starbucks past security, should have set my heart in cardiac arrest. But that didn't happen, and I ended up just buying myself a new book.
Took a train to the Expo, got past immigration and customs fine. I was a bit unnerved at first because I had 3 packets of chewing gum on me, but I must have scared the officer with my face piercing. (Cause I'm like, so gangster and so badass, and like, even the police are afraid of me.) Said Hi to Shaun and almost tripped in my high heels. (Aforementioned none existent hand- eye- brain- leg- mouth coordination when I'm excited.)
Went to the nearby mall to watch a (really bad) movie with Cally to kill time. Robert Pattinson's foundation WAS 2 (maybe even 10) shades too light, and his face was ugly. And he broke up with Bella in the middle of the forest (what the????), using "It's not you, it's me" (what the????). And Bella was a stupid whore, using people not things throughout the entire movie. (Bitch, puh- lease! Cut it out!) I think I feel sad for the werewolf. Bella picked Edward over him and was all "It's him. It's always been him" in his face. (Ouch!) And his nose is so big. As if God had extra Play- Doh or something, and then just stuck it onto Taylor's face cause he didn't know what else to do with it.
I probably won't make it as a movie critic when I grow up, but I guess I'm ok with it because that's never been my dream.
Shaun got off from work and we discovered a new way home which didn't involve getting onto the train. (Kudos to Cally.) Sadly, it didn't involve getting into a cab either, but onto a couple of buses instead.
Lately, I've been thinking "at least we're alive" a lot. Not just breathing, blinking, talking, eating........ Not just here or present, but like, Alive. In between falling asleep with my nose pushed into Shaun's armpit, I was thinking "at least we're alive" the bus ride home. Anyway, I wonder what's the worst that could happen if I swallowed too much chewing gum.
- Version 2.0
- Proposal
- Dear Myself, Just because Terry Nazon's astrology...
- Unrequited Love: Been there. Done that. Over it.
- Welcome
- Last night was hilarious. Sarah says that we've to...
- My mom has to pay $200 or else attend personally b...
- I've had a lot of people come up to me and say "I ...
- Hello. Some of my friends are in Malacca and my c...
- I just found a piece of chocolate in my hair. And ...
- Hi. We had very limited time and access to the Int...
- I went to the bookstore in town yesterday and almo...
- (A bit more on Batam) Being a shining example of ...
- Looks like someone just died. (There’s a very elab...
- I just realised that Jesus was a Capricorn. Tradit...