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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Version 2.0

I was asked to forfeit all my chances of sharing private moments with sexy dudes that could possibly resemble Tom Felton or Ryan Reynolds to be.............. Monogamous. We best be in love, motherfuckers! Or else it's not worth it.

This guy makes me nervous, sends me text messages that make me grin to myself like an idiot, I can't stop thinking about him, he beats me (only kidding- just wanna make sure you're paying attention), I love the way his mind works, he makes me laugh all the time, the sex is great (Dad!!!!! I'm kidding, the sex is awesome! Ahahahaha! All right, all right. I'M KIDDING!!), he stands up for and respects me, and I believe in him. I think and hope all this is mutual, because one sided WILL NOT work.

Sorry you guys had to find out this way.